Giusy Lavecchia, Full Professor in Structural Geology




Nationality                                   Italian

Place and date of birth                 Potenza, 8 March 1955

Marital status                              Married with one son

Affiliation                                    DiSPUTer, Ud’A University, Chieti Scalo

Languages                                   Italian and English

Telephone                                   0039 349 7800552 mobile, 0039 0871-3556415 work

Orcid                                          0000-0003-3726-0116




1977             Degree cum laude in Geological Science at the University of Naples, Italy

1978                Winner of a CNR research scholarship at the University of Perugia, Italy

1978-1981        Research grant in Structural Geology, Earth Science Dept. of Perugia, Italy

1980                Master Course in Structural Geology at Imperial College, London.

1981-1986        Research Position in Structural Geology, Earth Science Dept. of Perugia, Italy

1984               Winner of a NATO grant for Associate Professor in Structural Geology at the UC Berkeley (U.S.A)

1985-1994       Associate Professor in Structural Geology at the Earth Science Dept. of Perugia,

Since 1995       Full Professor in Structural Geology at Ud’A University, Chieti,

1996-1999        Member of the Administration Board of the G. D’Annunzio University, Chieti

1997-2000        Member of the CNR Scientific Council of the “Centro di Studio di Geologia dell’Appennino e delle Catene peri-Mediterranee”, Firenze.

2001-2008        Coordinator of the PhD course study in “ Geology and Tectonics of the Lithosphere” at Ud'A Chieti, Italy

2002-2005        Member of the National Committee on Seismic Risks in Italy

2003-2005        Member of the Coordination Group of the Abruzzi Universities for Applied Research on Seismic Risks

1997-2011        Head of the Laboratory of Geodynamics and Seismogenesis, at the Earth Science Department of Chieti, Italy

2008-2011       Coordinator of the Basic Science Section of the “G. d’Annunzio School of Advanced Studies”, Chieti, Italy

2012-2017        Member of the National Committee on Seismic Risks in Italy

2014-2017        Vice-head of the Department of Psychology, Health and Territory,Ud’A University, Chieti

2016-2017        Chair of CRUST  “Centro inteRUniversitario per l’analisi Sismotettonica Tridimensionale”


 Structural geology, tectonics, geodynamics, earthquake geology, seismotectonics, seismogenesis, and magmatogenesis

 Computer skills:Good knowledge of Microsoft Office tools, Corel DRAW graphics suites, and ArcGIS-ESRI software; basic knowledge

of the MOVE, Midland Valley, suite.


Courses in : Structural Geology, Geodynamics, Regional Geology, Advanced field mapping, Seismotectonics and Seismogenesis. In the course of her  carrier she has supervised some decades of graduate and Phd students.


Since 1978, Giusy Lavecchia is author of about 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers,  plus book chapters,  geological maps and field trip guides. Starting from 1985, 72 of her papers  are published on international journals recognised by the  ISI server.

The bibliometric parameters certify the high impact of her scientific production (h-index = 21, over 1,800 citations, SCOPUS, last accessed 29 February 2017).

ERC (European Research Council Sectors) sectors: primarily PE10-5 e subordinately PE10-7.


In the course of her research activity, Giusy Lavecchia has followed a number  of independent, but interconnected, paths:

  • Field mapping and structural analysis of the Apennine fold-and-thrust belt structures
  • Field mapping and structural analysis of extensional provinces, focusing attention on the Italian LANFs
  • Interpretation of the Apennines crust and lithosphere structure through analysis of seismic lines and balancing of geologic sections
  • Elaboration of new criteria for a 3-D seismotectonic zoning finalised to seismic hazard studies in peninsular Italy and Sicily
  • Tectonic setting and mantle structure in ultra-alkaline magmatic provinces
  • Application of mantle expansion models to the evolution  of the  Mediterranean rift basin and of the associated peripheral thrust belt systems.
  • Recently, she is interested on triggered seismicity and is working on a seismotectonic zonation of Hydrocarbon fields in Italy

Her research instruments have been field mapping, meso-structural analysis, seismic line interpretation, balance section construction, earthquake and geochemical data analysis, and recently 3D fault model buildings.

She believes in the power of interdisciplinary research as an indispensable tool for understanding the deep tectonic processes that control active deformation in the upper crust, which, in turn, has a direct link with human activities.

Often, publications Giusy were outside the conventional more fashionable paths. In the eighties, she proposed a thick-skinned style for the intra-Apennine compressional deformation (Lavecchia, 1985) and highlighted LANFs in Italy (Lavecchia, 1988). Later, integrating available data, she interpreted as active and seismogenic the outer Apennines-Magrebides compressional front, recently activated by the Emilia 2012 earthquake (Lavecchia et al., 1994, 2003 and 2007).

She is author of global tectonic model for the evolution of the western Mediterranean and associated chains that does not provide for subduction, but for trapped plume-related expanding mantle. This model is not jet really accepted, but  she will wait..!

At the moment, she is focusing on the synthesis on a GIS-platform of the large amount of field data on Quaternary faults of peninsular Italy collected by herself and by her research group at Chieti  during the last 20 years. These data, integrated with information on the deep structure from earthquake catalogues and from seismic line interpretation, will be the basic information to build a detailed 3D fault model of the interconnected intra-Apennine fault structures. As all the community working on 3D structure, she is aware of the powerfulness of this instrument which on one side strongly obliges the researcher to reduce space for inconsistent models, on the other opens to co-existent alternative solutions. 


1.       LAVECCHIA G. (1979). Analisi cinematica del sovrascorrimento del F. Fiastrone (Sibillini Nord orientali). BOLL. SOC. GEOL. IT., 98, 457-468.

2.       BARBANO M.S., COLI M., GHISETTI F., LAVECCHIA G., RIUSCETTI M., SCANDONE P., SLEJKO D., VALPREDA E., VEZZANI L. (Gruppo Redazionale della Carta Sismotettonica del P.F.G.) (1982). Carta sismotettonica d'Italia. MEM. SOC. GEOL. IT., 24, 491-496.

3.       LAVECCHIA G. (1982). Confronto fra due sistemi a pieghe: l'Appennino umbro-marchigiano ed il Giura franco-svizzero. BOLL. SOC. GEOL. IT., 101,69-76.

4.       LAVECCHIA G., MINELLI G., PIALLI G. (1983). Strutture plicative minori dell'Appennino umbro-marchigiano. BOLL. SOC. GEOL. IT., 102, 95-112.

5.       LAVECCHIA G., MINELLI G., PIALLI G. (1984). L'Appennino umbro-marchigiano: tettonica distensiva e  ipotesi di sismogenesi. BOLL. SOC. GEOL. IT., 103, 467-476.

6.       LAVECCHIA G. (1985). Il sovrascorrimento dei Monti Sibillini: analisi cinematica e strutturale. BOLL. SOC. GEOL. IT., 104, 161-194.

7.       LAVECCHIA G., & PIALLI (1986). Arcuate fold-belts in the Apennines (Italy). Terra Cognita, 6(3), A10, 584-585.

8.       LAVECCHIA G. (1988). The Tyrrhenian-Apennines system: structural setting and seismotectogenesis. TECTONOPHYSICS, 147, 263-296.

9.       LAVECCHIA G., MINELLI G., PIALLI G. (1988). The Umbria-Marches arcuate fold-belt (Italy). TECTONOPHYSICS, 146, 125-137.

10.    BARCHI M., GUZZETTI F., LAVECCHIA G., LOLLI O., BONTEMPO R. (1988). Sezioni geologiche bilanciate attraverso il sistema a pieghe umbro-marchigiano: 1. La sezione Trevi-Valle dell' Ambro. BOLL. SOC. GEOL. IT., 107, 109-130.

11.    BARCHI M., LAVECCHIA G., MINELLI G. (1989). Sezioni geologiche bilanciate attraverso il sistema a pieghe umbro-marchigiano: 2 - La sezione Scheggia-Serra S. Abbondio. BOLL. SOC. GEOL. IT., 108, 69-81.

12.    LAVECCHIA G., STOPPA F. (1989). Il "rifting" tirrenico: Delaminazione della litosfera continentale e magmatogenesi. BOLL. SOC. GEOL. IT., 108, 219-235.

13.    LAVECCHIA G., STOPPA F. (1989). Tettonica e magmatismo nell'Appennino settentrionale lungo la geotraversa Isola del Giglio-Monti Sibillini. BOLL. SOC. GEOL. IT., 108, 237-254.

14.    LAVECCHIA G., STOPPA F. (1990). The Tyrrhenian zone: a case of lithosphere extensional control of intra-continental magmatism. Earth AND PlanETARY SciENCES Letters, 99, 336-350.

15.    BARCHI M., BROZZETTI F., LAVECCHIA G. (1991). Analisi strutturale e geometrica dei bacini della media Valle del Tevere e della Valle Umbra. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 110, 65-76.

16.    BARCHI M., LAVECCHIA G., MENICHETTI M., MINELLI G., PIALLI G., NARDON S. (1991). Analisi della fratturazione del Calcare Massiccio in una struttura anticlinalica dell'Appennino umbro-marchigiano. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 110, 101-124.

17.    BROZZETTI F., LAVECCHIA G., STOPPA F. (1991). Presentazione di alcuni aspetti tettonico-strutturali e petrologici del distretto ultra-alcalino umbro-laziale. STUDI GEOLOGICI CAMERTI, CROP 11, Vol. Sp. 2, 327-337.

18.    STOPPA F., LAVECCHIA G. (1992). Late Pleistocene ultra-alkaline magmatic activity in the Umbria-Latium region (Italy): an overview. Journ. Volc. Geoth. Research, 52, 277-293.

19.    BARCHI M., BERNASCONI A., BROZZETTI F., LAVECCHIA G., MENICHETTI M., MINELLI G., NARDON S., PIALLI G. (1993). Joint distribution in a fractured carbonate reservoir in the Umbria-Marche anticlines (Central Italy). In: Generation, accumulation and production of Europe's hydrocarbons III, SPENCER A.M. (Ed.). EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM GEOSCIENTISTS, 3, 209-217.

20.    BROZZETTI F., LAVECCHIA G. (1994). Seismicity and related extensional stress field: the case of the Norcia Seismic Zone (Central Italy). ANNALES TECTONICAE, 8, 36-57 .

21.    LAVECCHIA G., BARCHI M., BROZZETTI F. (1994). Recent tectonics and active stress field in the Umbria-Marche Apennines. MEM. SOC. GEOL. IT., 48, 535-537

22.    LAVECCHIA G., BARCHI M., BROZZETTI F., MENICHETTI M. (1994). Sismicità e tettonica nell'area umbro-marchigiana. BOLL. SOC. GEOL. IT., 113, 483-500.

23.    LAVECCHIA G., BROZZETTI F., BARCHI M., MENICHETTI M., KELLER J.V.A. (1994). Seismotectonic zoning in east-central Italy deduced from an analysis of the Neogene to present deformations and related stress fields. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN, 106, 1107-1120.

24.    BONCIO P., BACHECA A., BROZZETTI F., LAVECCHIA G. (1995). Analisi geometrica e cinematica del settore centrale della catena Narnese-Amerina (Umbria sud-occidentale). Studi GeolOGICI Camerti, Vol. Sp. 1995/1, 73-86.

25.    BROZZETTI F., LAVECCHIA G. (1995). Evoluzione del campo degli sforzi e storia deformativa nell’area dei Monti Martani (Umbria). BOLL. SOC. GEOL. IT., 114, 155-176.

26.    LAVECCHIA G., FEDERICO C., STOPPA F., KARNER G.D. (1995). La distensione tosco-tirrenica come possibile motore della compressione appenninica. Studi GeolOGICI Camerti, Vol. Sp. 1995/1, 489-497.

27.    BONCIO P., BROZZETTI F., LAVECCHIA G. (1996). State of stress in the Northern Umbria-Marche Apennines (Central Italy): inferences from micro-earthquake and fault kinematic analyses. Annales Tectonicae, 10(1-2), 80-97.

28.    LAVECCHIA G., STOPPA F. (1996). The tectonic significance of Italian magmatism: an alternative view to the popular interpretation. Terra Nova, 8, 435-446.

29.    BONCIO P., Brozzetti F., PONZIANI F., BARCHI M., Lavecchia G., PIALLI G. (1998). Seismicity and extensional tectonics in the northern Umbria-Marche Apennines. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 52, 539-555.

30.    Boncio P., Lavecchia G. (1999). I terremoti di Colfiorito (Appennino umbro-marchigiano) del Settembre-Ottobre 1997: contesto tettonico e prime considerazioni sismogenetiche. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 118, 229-236.

31.    Boncio P., Brozzetti F., Lavecchia G. (2000). Architecture and seismotectonics of a regional low-angle normal fault zone in central Italy. Tectonics, 19(6), 1038-1055.

32.    BONCIO P., BROZZETTI F., LAVECCHIA G., BACHECA A., MINELLI G. (2000). Note stratigrafiche e strutturali alla Carta Geologica del settore centrale della Catena Narnese-Amerina (Umbria, scala 1:25.000). Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 119, 69-83.

33.    Boncio P., Lavecchia G. (2000). A geological model for the Colfiorito earthquakes (September-October 1997, central Italy). J.. Seismology, 4, 345-356.

34.    Boncio P., Lavecchia G. (2000). A structural model for active extension in Central Italy. Journal of Geodynamics, 29, 233-244.

35.    Lavecchia G., Boncio P. (2000). Tectonic setting of the carbonatite-melilitite association of Italy. Mineralogical Magazine, 64(4), 583-592.

36.    Pace B., Di Matteo P., Boncio P., Lavecchia G. (2001). Considerazioni sull’evoluzione geologica della Marsica sud-orientale (Abruzzo, Appennino centrale) sulla base di un’analisi integrata di dati stratigrafici e strutturali. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 120, 139-150.

37.    Lavecchia G., Boncio P., Brozzetti F., Stucchi M., LESCHIUTTA I. (2002). New criteria for seismotectonic zoning in Central Italy: insights from the Umbria-Marche Apennines. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., Vol. Sp., 1, 881-890.

38.    Lavecchia G., Creati N., Boncio P. (2002). The Intramontane Ultra-alkaline Province (IUP) of Italy: a brief review with considerations on the thickness of the underlying lithosphere. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., Vol. Sp., 1, 87-98.

39.    Pace B., Boncio P., Lavecchia G. (2002). The 1984 Abruzzo earthquake (Italy): an example of seismogenic process controlled by interaction between differently oriented synkinematic faults. Tectonophysics, 350, 237-254.

40.    Pace B., PERUZZA L., Lavecchia G., BONCIO P. (2002). Seismogenic sources in Central Italy: from causes to effects. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 57, 419-429.

41.    Lavecchia G., Boncio P., Creati N. (2003). A lithospheric-scale seismogenic thrust in central Italy. JournAL OF GeodYNAMICS 36, 79-94.

42.    Lavecchia G., Boncio P., Creati N., Brozzetti F. (2003). Some aspects of the Italian geology not fitting with a subduction scenario. JOURNAL OF THE Virtual Explorer, 10, 1-14.

43.    Lavecchia G., Creati N. (2003). Lithospheric tectonic context of the carbonatite-melilitite rocks of Italy. PER. MINERAL., Special Issue EUROCARB, 72, 33-40.

44.    Bell K., Castorina F., Lavecchia G., Rosatelli G., F. Stoppa (2004). Is there a mantle plume below Italy? EOS, 85(50), 541, 546-547.

45.    Boncio P., Lavecchia G., Milana G., ROZZi B. (2004). Seismogenesis in Central Apennines, Italy: an integrated analysis of minor earthquake sequences and structural data in the Amatrice-Campotosto area.  ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, 47, 1723-1742.

46.    Boncio P., Lavecchia G., pace B. (2004). Defining  a model of 3D seismogenic sources for Seismic Hazard Assessment applications: The case of Central Apennines (Italy). JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, 8, 407-425.

47. Lavecchia G., Boncio p., Creati N., Brozzetti F. (2004). Stile strutturale, stato termo-meccanico e significato sismogenetico del thrust Adriatico: dati e spunti da una revisione del profilo CROP 03 integrata con l’analisi di dati sismologici. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 123, 111-125.

48.    Bell K., Lavecchia G., Stoppa F. (2005). Reasoning and beliefs about Italian geodynamics. BOLL. SOC. GEOL. IT., Vol. Sp., 5, 119-127.

49.    DI NACCIO D., BONCIO P., CIRILLI S., CASAGLIA F., MORETTINI E., LAVECCHIA G., BROZZETTI F. (2005). Role of mechanical stratigraphy on fracture development in carbonate reservoirs: insight from outcropping shallow-water carbonates in the Umbria-Marche Apennines, Italy. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, 148, 98-115.

50.    Lavecchia G., Bell K., Stoppa F., CREATI N. (2005). The Mediterranean region, an independent micro-plate above a trapped plume head: inferences from isotopic data and area balancing considerations. REND. SOC. GEOL. IT., 1, 111-112.

51.    lavecchia G., SCALERA G. (Eds.) (2006) - Frontiers in earth sciences: new ideas and interpretation. ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, 49(1), DOI: 10.4401/ag-4406.

52.    lavecchia G., Creati N. (2006). 5. A mantle plume head trapped in the transition zone beneath the Mediterranean: a new idea. In: SCALERA G., LAVECCHIAG. (Eds.), Frontiers in earth sciences: new ideas and interpretation, ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, 49, 373-387.

53.    lavecchia G., STOPPA F., Creati N. (2006). 6. Carbonatites and kamafugites in Italy: mantle-derived rocks that challenge subduction. In: SCALERA G., LAVECCHIA G. (Eds.), Frontiers in earth sciences: new ideas and interpretation, ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, 49(1), 389-402.

54.    Pace B., Peruzza L., Lavecchia G., Boncio P. (2006). Layered seismogenic source model and probabilistic seismic-hazard analyses in central Italy. BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 96, 107-132.

55.    Boncio P., Mancini T., Lavecchia G., Selvaggi G. (2007). Seismotectonics of strike-slip earthquakes within the deep crust of southern Italy: Geometry, kinematics, stress field and crustal rheology of the Potenza 1990-1991 seismic sequences (Mmax 5.7). TECTONOPHYSICS, 445, 281-300, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2007.08.016.

56. LAVECCHIA G., DE NARDIS R., VISINI F., FERRARINI F., BARBANO M.S. (2007). Seismogenic evidence of ongoing compression in eastern-central Italy and mainland Sicily: a comparison. BOLL. SOC. GEOL. IT., 126, 209-222.

57. LAVECCHIA G., FERRARINI F., de NARDIS R., VISINI F., BARBANO M.S. (2007). Active thrusting as a possible seismogenic source in Sicily (Sourthern Italy): Some insights from integrated structural-kinematic and seismological data. TECTONOPHYSICS, 445, 145-167.

58.    PERUZZA L., PACE B., LAVECCHIA G., BONCIO P. (2007). Reply to “Comment on ‘Layered Seismogenic Source Model and Probabilistic Seismic-Hazard Analyses in Central Italy’ by B. Pace, L. Peruzza, G. Lavecchia, and P. Boncio” by W. Marzocchi. BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 97(5), 1766-1768, doi: 10.1785/0120070043.

59.    Pace B., Boncio P., Brozzetti F., Lavecchia G., Visini F. (2008). From regional seismic hazard to “scenario earthquakes” for seismic microzoning: a new methodological tool for the Celano Project. SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING, 28, 866-874, doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2007.11.001.

60.    BONCIO P., TINARI D.P., LAVECCHIA G., VISINI F., MILANA G. (2009). The instrumental seismicity of the Abruzzo Region in Central Italy (1981-2003): Seismotectonic implications. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES, 128(2), 367-380, DOI: 10.3301/IJG.2009.128.2.367.

61.    BROZZETTI f., Boncio P., Lavecchia G., Pace B. (2009). Present activity and seismogenic potential of a low-angle normal fault system (Città di Castello, Italy): Constraints from surface geology, seismic reflection data and seismicity. TECTONOPHYSICS, 463, 31-46.

62.    BrozzettI F., Lavecchia G., Mancini G., Milana G., Cardinali M. (2009). Analysis of the 9 September 1998 Mw 5.6 Mercure earthquake sequence (Southern Apennines, Italy): A multidisciplinary approach. TECTONOPHYSICS, 476, 210-225.

63.    VISINI F., DE NARDIS R., BARBANO M.S., LAVECCHIA G. (2009). Testing the seismogenic source  of the January 11th 1693 Sicilian earthquake (Io X/XI): insights from macroseismic field simulation. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES,  128(1), 147-156.

64.    Boncio P., Pizzi A., Brozzetti F., Pomposo G., Lavecchia G., Di Naccio D., Ferrarini F. (2010). Coseismic ground deformation of the 6 April 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (central Italy Mw6.3). GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 37,  L06308, doi:10.1029/2010GL042807.

65.    Visini F., de Nardis R., Lavecchia G. (2010). Rates of active compressional deformation in central Italy and Sicily: evaluation of the seismic budget. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, 99, S243-S264, DOI: 10.1007/s00531-009-0473-x.

66.    de Nardis R., Garbin M., Lavecchia G., Pace B., Peruzza L., Priolo E., Romanelli M., Romano M.A., Visini F., Vuan A. (2011). A temporary seismic monitoring of the Sulmona area (Abruzzo, Italy) for seismotectonic purposes. BOLLETTINO DI GEOFISICA TEORICA E APPLICATA, 52, 651-666, DOI: 10.4430/bgta0026.

67.    Lavecchia G., DE Nardis R., Cirillo D., Brozzetti F., Boncio P. (2012). The May-June 2012 Ferrara Arc earthquakes (northern Italy): structural control of the spatial evolution of the seismic sequence and of the surface pattern of coseismic fractures. ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, 55(4), 533-540, doi: 10.4401/ag-6173.

68.    Lavecchia G., Ferrarini F., BROZZETTI F., de Nardis R., Boncio P., Chiaraluce l. (2012). From surface geology to aftershock analysis: Constraints on the geometry of the L’Aquila 2009 seismogenic fault system. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES, 131, 330-347, doi: 10.3301/IJG.2012.24.

69.    SGROI T., DE Nardis R., lavecchia g. (2012). Crustal structure and seismotectonics of central Sicily (southern Italy): New constraints from instrumental seismicity. GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 189, 1237-1252, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05392.x.

70.    Bell K., laVECCHIA G., Rosatelli g. (2013). Cenozoic Italian magmatism - isotope constraints for possible plume-related activity. JOURNAL OF SOUTH AMERICAN EARTH SCIENCES, 41, 22-40.

71.    Di Naccio D., Boncio P.,  Brozzetti F., Pazzaglia F.J., Lavecchia G. (2013). Morphotectonic analysis of the Lunigiana and Garfagnana grabens (northern Apennines, Italy): Implications for active normal faulting. GEOMORPHOLOGY, 201, 293-311.

72.    Romano A.M., de Nardis R., Garbin M., Peruzza Priolo E., Lavecchia G. and Romanelli M. (2013). Temporary seismic monitoring of the Sulmona area (Abruzzo, Italy): a quality study of microearthquake locations. NAT. HAZARDS EARTH SYST. SCI., 13, 2727-2744,

73.    de Nardis, R., Filippi, L., Costa, G., Suhadolc, P., Nicoletti, M., Lavecchia, G. (2014) - Strong motion recorded during the Emilia 2012 thrust earthquakes (Northern Italy): a comprehensive analysis. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 12 (5), pp. 2117-2145.

74.    Ferrarini, F., Lavecchia, G., de Nardis, R., Brozzetti, F. (2014) - Fault geometry and active stress from earthquakes and field geology data analysis: the Colfiorito 1997 and L'Aquila 2009 cases (central Italy) (2014) Pure and applied Geophysics, DOI: 10.1007/s00024-014-0931-7.

75.    Adinolfi  G.M.,  De Matteis R., Orefice A, Festa G, Zollo A, de Nardis R. & Lavecchia G. (2015)- The September 27, 2012, ML 4.1, Benevento earthquake: A case of strike-slip faulting in Southern Apennines (Italy). Tectonophysics, 660, pp. 35-46.

76.    Lavecchia G. , R. de Nardis, G. Costa, L. Tiberi, F. Ferrarini, D. Cirill o ,F. Brozzetti  and P. Suhadolc  (2015) - Was the Mirandola thrust really involved in the Emilia 2012 seismic sequence (northern Italy)? Implications on the likelihood of triggered seismicity effects. Vol. 56, n. 4, pp. 461- 488.

77.     Di Giulio, G., de Nardis, R.,  Boncio, P.,  Milana, G.,  Rosatelli, G.,  Stoppa, F.,  Lavecchia, G. (2016) - Seismic response of a deep continental basin including velocity inversion: the Sulmona intramontane basin (Central Apennines, Italy). Geophysical Journal International 204 no. 1, 418-439 doi:10.1093/gji/ggv444

78.    Lavecchia, G., Castaldo, R., de Nardis, R., De Novellis, V., Ferrarini, F., Pepe, S., Brozzetti, F., Solaro, G., Cirillo, D., Bonano, M., Boncio, P., Casu, F., De Luca, C., Lanari, R., Manunta, M., Manzo, M., Zinno, I., P. Tizzani (2016) - Ground deformation and source geometry of the August 24, 2016 Amatrice earthquake (Central Italy) investigated through analytical and numerical modeling of DInSAR measurements and structural-geological data. Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL071723.

79.    Ferrarini Federica, Paolo Boncio, Rita de Nardis, Gerardo Pappone, Massimo Cesarano, Pietro P.C. Aucelli, Giusy Lavecchia (2017)- Segmentation pattern and structural complexities in seismogenic extensional settings: The North Matese fault system (central Italy), Journal of Structural Geology,

80.    Brozzetti F., Cirillo D., de Nardis R., Cardinali M., Lavecchia G., Orecchio B., Presti D. and Totaro, C., (2017)- Newly identified active faults in the Pollino seismic gap, southern Italy, and their seismotectonic significance, J. Struct. Geol. 94, 13-31,

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