
CRUST is a diffuse Italian academic community primarily dedicated to promoting and advancing academic research on Seismotectonics. Its focus lies in deepening the understanding of seismic and tectonic processes within the context of both present conditions and the long-term history of crustal deformation, spanning scales from regional to local.

The collective expertise of the CRUST community encompasses various fields, including structural geology, regional tectonics, active tectonics, earthquake geology, tsunami genesis, historical seismicity, active and passive seismology, active topography, geodesy, and analogue and finite element modelling.

While Italy is the central study area, CRUST also extends its focus to the circum-Mediterranean region and other worldwide areas with significant seismic hazards. Tectonic provinces and individual structures are analysed and modelled at a four-dimensional scale, which contributes to developing multi-scale Quaternary fault and fold databases, enhancing our understanding of past and ongoing tectonic processes.

All CRUST members share enthusiasm and dedication to the project, exchanging knowledge and experiences eagerly. Research applications and applied projects across a broad spectrum of topics are welcomed, including:

  • New field investigations in active and potentially seismogenic areas lack sufficient or updated geological data.
  • 3D modelling of Quaternary fault segments and alignments, integrating geological, seismological, and geophysical data.
  • 3D modelling of the Earth's structure (velocity, density, attenuation) for fault-system analysis, ground-motion prediction, and hazard assessment
  •  4D analysis of seismic sequences and modelling of earthquake/fault associations.
  • Investigating relationships between Slow Slip Events, swarms, and active or potentially seismogenic structures.
  • Understanding of earthquake physics
  • Investigation of volcano-tectonic processes
  • Study of triggered and induced seismicity at local and regional scales.
  • Analysis of local geological effects on seismic response at specific sites.
  • Analog and finite element modeling, among others.

For further details, refer to the Research Units” section.