CRUST is dedicated to promoting training activities to nurture a new generation of experts in "Seismotectonics," characterised by a balanced understanding of advanced knowledge in geology and geophysics.
It organises training sessions for master's students in Geology and Physics enrolled at the twelve CRUST-affiliated universities (please refer to "Tirocini Curriculari" for further details).
Moreover, students in Erath Sciences and Geophysics of any of the 12 CRUST-associated Universities will be able to develop their master's thesis at CRUST under the supervision of two tutors from the CRUST 12 Research units: a geologist and a geophysicist.
Upon request, we can arrange interdisciplinary courses in Seismotectonics for graduate and post-graduate students from abroad and research institutions outside academia.
We are committed to disseminating our research findings to professional communities, technicians, and administrators of local and governmental institutions. Furthermore, we are eager to collaborate with other research centres and support civil protection activities by sharing our knowledge and the latest research advancements.
Internships of Training and Orientation in geology and seismology are organized by the CRUST academic staff for the post-graduate students enrolled at the nine affiliated Universities.
· The complete list of trainerships may be found in “Elenco dei Tirocini CRUST”.
· The list of responsible teachers may be found in “Responsabili di Sede dei Tirocini CRUST”
· The application form to be compiled by Italian post-graduate students may be found in “Modulo di Iscrizione ai Tirocini CRUST”
With regard to the academic year 2022/2023, the Internships are only activated at the Universities of Catania, Perugia and Messina.
Internships of Training and Orientation link
Post-Graduated Thesis (e.g. Italian magistral graduation thesis) can be carried out under the supervision of two teachers from the CRUST staff, a geologist and a seismologist/geophysicist, from two different Universities. A CRUST thesis must present the results of fully integrated structural-geological and sesimological-geophysical data and must contain some original data and/or data-analysis. Whenever representing a new research contribute to the afforded topic, the thesis may be considered for publication.
Under request, interdisciplinary courses in Seismotectonics, inclusive of laboratory and field activities, may be organized for graduate and post-graduate students from abroad and for out-of-academy research institutions.
The CRUST researches are also willing to transfer their research results to the professional communities, as well as to technicians and administrators of local and government institutions.
In addition to the training opportunities that CRUST offers to students, all the affiliated Universities provide Master's Courses and Phd Courses focusing on the various themes developed by CRUST such as Seismotectonics, Structural Tectonics, Geophysics and Seismology.
List of courses offered by the individual Research Units of CRUST: