Post-Graduated Thesis

A "CRUST Thesis" is a thesis carried out at one of the CRUST universities as part of the Master's Degree Programs in Geological Sciences (LM34), Geological Sciences and Technologies (Class LM-74) or Environmental and Environmental Sciences and Technologies. the Territory (LM-75), Nature Sciences, (LM-60), Physics (LM-17) and Geophysical Sciences (LM-79).

Requirements for the additional title "Tesi CRUST" are:

1. Thesis is experimental and the topic is strictly pertinent to the topics of "Seismotectonics with territorial applications" provided by the CRUST.

2. Title of the thesis clearly explains the relevance of the topic developed with the CRUST themes, on the regional or local scale.

3. The thesis is interdisciplinary and therefore is followed by two professors belonging to the CRUST with diversified skills and, preferably, belonging to different scientific-disciplinary sectors. The Supervisor is necessarily a teacher of the Student's Degree Course; the co-Rapporteur is one of the members of the CRUST pertaining to a Research Unit other than that of the Rapporteur.

4. The thesis must bring an innovative research contribution to the topic addressed. The length of time required to complete the thesis must, however, be compatible with the number of credits provided for the student's degree course.

 5. At the time of assignment, the Rapporteur and the co-Rapporteur evaluate together whether the topic of TESI is actually relevant to the CRUST issues and whether the Student requesting it has the curricular knowledge necessary for the conduct of the thesis.

6. The Thesis must necessarily have an extended abstract (about 2500 words) in English, complete with Figures, captions and synthetic bibliography.

7. At the end of the thesis work, the supervisor and the co-supervisor will communicate to the student if, due to the type of contents and the quality of the results obtained, the thesis can bear the additional title of "CRUST Thesis".

8. A "CERTIFICATION OF THESIS CRUST" or a "CERTIFICATE OF MERIT TESI CRUST", the latter reserved for those who have obtained a degree grade equal to at least 108/110, will be issued by the Director of the CRUST to the new graduate who request, in the manner specified in Annex A.

9. At the time of assignment of a CRUST thesis, the student and the supervisor read the Regulations, including Annex A, and sign them. At the same time they agree on the topic of the thesis and the supervisor communicates to the student the name and the RU of the co-supervisor.

10. As soon as the subject of the thesis has been agreed with the supervisor, the student and the supervisor sign this regulation. The Rapporteur keeps the original document; the Student will deliver a copy to the Academic Secretary's Office for his / her Degree Course and send the PDF correspondent to the CRUST secretary ( and for information to the Director of CRUST ( , specifying as object: "TESI CRUST".


CRUST Post-Graduated Thesis Regulation 

CRUST Post-Graduated Thesis Agreement