Internships of Training and Orientation
At the CRUST Universities specific training internships are active for each Research Unit. Each traineeship has a duration of 75 hours, equal to 3 CFU, several traineeships can be carried out by the same student, with a consequent accumulation of CFU if the Graduating Study Plan foresees it.
1-Field measures of passive seismic and electrical tomography;
2-Application of code numbers for Tsunami modeling.
1-Analysis of macroseismic data of historical earthquakes and / or post-earthquake surveys for the assignment of the intensity with EMS scale (European macro-seismic scale);
2- Geodetic monitoring of active faults;
3-Morphostructural and geodynamic analysis of recent and active tectonic structures.
1-Geological survey, classic and digital, structural and tensor analysis, construction of thematic maps on GIS platform;
2- Earthquake geology, seismotectonic analysis, seismic hazard analysis;
3-Use of specialized software and analysis of geological and seismological data for the construction of 3D seismogenic structures: limits and potential.
1-Subsurface analysis to assess local seismic effects;
2-Analysis of seismic profiles to characterize active tectonic structures;
3-Management of microseismic network.
1-Study of seismicity for the characterization of seismogenic sources;
2- Focal mechanisms and fields of seismogenic stress.
1-Analogical modeling of seismogenic structures and related analyzes;
2-Geological-Structural survey of faults and / or fractured rock masses with both classical surveys and remote sensing instruments;
3 - Interpretation of seismic reflection profiles, construction and validation of digital geological models (using dedicated software).
1-Interpretation of seismic reflection lines and geological modeling of the subsoil;
2 - Analysis of repeating earthquakes and queue interferometry to investigate the dynamics of active faults and temporal variations in the physical properties of rocks;
3 - Ground Penetrating 2D-3D Radar for the study of active faults.
1-Thermodynamic modeling of seismic velocities and densities;
2- Methods of joint interpretation of surface waves from ambient noise and receiver functions;
3-Analysis of images for the quantification of analog models.
1-Study of earthquake source parameters and geophysical data inversion methods;
2- Deformation processes and seismicity;
3- Analysis and modeling of soil deformations from terrestrial and satellite data;
4- Seismic and gravimetric tomography.
Downloads files:
> List of CRUST internships offered by the Research Units
> CRUST Internship registration form
> CRUST Internship R. U. Responsibles